
./expr_engine-inl.h provides methods to evaluate all of the expressions.

  • MakeTensorExp
  • Plan
  • MakePlan
  • ExpInfo
  • TypeCheck
  • StreamInfo
  • ShapeCheck
  • ExpEngine


: public Exp<MakeTensorExp<SubType, SrcExp, dim, DType>, DType, type::kChainer>

MakeTensorExp is a base class inheritated by most functions in ./extension/. Details will be provided when those functions are discussed.

template<typename SubType, typename SrcExp, int dim, typename DType>
struct MakeTensorExp : public Exp<MakeTensorExp<SubType, SrcExp, dim, DType>, DType, type::kChainer> {
  Shape<dim> shape_;
  inline const SubType& real_self(void) const{
    return *static_cast<const SubType*>(this);


The class Plan is the class to provide Eval() function, which designs the way to do actual evaluation.

Plan Declaration

The template Plan should include the ExpType, since its major purpose is to evaluate an expression, and DType to guide the evaluation process.

template<typename ExpType, typename DType>
class Plan {
  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const;

Tensor Plan

The tensor plan includes two member variables *dptr_ and stride_ to make sure the program can fetch expected value by dptr_[y * stride_ + x].

Since we will never expect to change the evaluation result from Eval() function, it is return type always include the key word const.

One exception is in the tensor plan, since it has chances to be the left hand side of the assignment. Thus, it owns a special function REval(), whose return type should not be const.

Moreover, bacause tensor value lies in a pre-allocated memory space, the return type of REval() function should be a reference type. To keep consistency, the Eval() function in tensor plan also be made as a reference type but const.

template <typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
class Plan<Tensor<Device, dim, DType>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &t) : dptr_(t.dptr_), stride_(t.stride_) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType &REval(index_t y, index_t x) {
    return dptr_[y * stride_ + x];

  MSHADOW_XINLINE const DType &Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return dptr_[y * stride_ + x];

  DType  *dptr_;
  index_t stride_;

Because of the special case for 1d tensor (no stride_), the tensor plan for 1d case is specifically defined.

template <typename Device, typename DType>
class Plan<Tensor<Device, 1, DType>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Tensor<Device, 1, DType> &t) : dptr_(t.dptr_) {}
  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType &REval(index_t y, index_t x) {
    return dptr_[x];
  MSHADOW_XINLINE const DType &Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return dptr_[x];

  DType  *dptr_;

Scalar Plan

The usage of scalar plan includes

  • It has a explicit constructor that takes in a built-in scalar type value and assign the value with type DType to its private member variable
  • It has a public member function Eval() that return its private member variable scalar_, no matter what the input is
template<typename DType>
class Plan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(DType scalar) : scalar_(scalar) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return scalar_;

  DType scalar_;

Typecast Plan

The usage of typecast expression includes

  • it is used for the type cast expression TypecastExp, e.g. tcast(x)
  • it has an explicit constructor that takes in a Plan type as its private member variable. The reason of doing so is it uses the original plan for evaluation, and only convert its returned type at last.
  • it has a function called Eval(), where the type cast happens by calling DstDType(src_.Eval(y, x))
template<typename DstDType, typename SrcDType, typename EType, int etype>
class Plan<TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype>, DstDType> {
  explicit Plan(const Plan<EType, SrcDType> &src) : src_(src) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DstDType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return DstDType(src_.Eval(y, x));

  Plan<EType, SrcDType> src_;

Ternary Plan

The usage of ternary plan includes

  • it has an explicit constructor that takes in 3 expressions as its private member variables
  • it has a function called Eval(), where the computation happens by calling OP::Map(item1_.Eval(y, x), item2_.Eval(y, x), item3_.Eval(y, x));
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, int etype, typename DType>
class Plan<TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Plan<TA, DType> &item1, const Plan<TB, DType> &item2, const Plan<TC, DType> &item3)
      : item1_(item1), item2_(item2), item3_(item3) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return OP::Map(item1_.Eval(y, x), item2_.Eval(y, x), item3_.Eval(y, x));

  Plan<TA, DType> item1_;
  Plan<TB, DType> item2_;
  Plan<TC, DType> item3_;

Binary Plan

The usage of binary plan includes

  • it has an explicit constructor that takes in 2 expressions as its private member variables
  • it has a function called Eval(), where the computation happens by calling OP::Map(lhs_.Eval(y, x), rhs_.Eval(y, x));
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, int etype, typename DType>
class Plan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Plan<TA, DType> &lhs, const Plan<TB, DType> &rhs)
      : lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return OP::Map(lhs_.Eval(y, x), rhs_.Eval(y, x));

  Plan<TA, DType> lhs_;
  Plan<TB, DType> rhs_;

Unary Plan

The usage of unary plan includes

  • it has an explicit constructor that takes in 1 expression as its private member variables
  • it has a function called Eval(), where the computation happens by calling OP::Map(src_.Eval(y, x));
template<typename OP, typename TA, int etype, typename DType>
class Plan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Plan<TA, DType> &src) : src_(src) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return OP::Map(src_.Eval(y, x));

  Plan<TA, DType> src_;

MakeTensorExp Plan

Since the expression type MakeTensorExp is only a base class of several extension functions (will be discussed in ./extensions/), the MakeTensorExp plan also only consider its input Plan as its member variables, and use the Eval() function of input plan as Eval() function of itself.

Since any expression should be composed by some types of calling, e.g. `MakeExp()`.
However, the `MakeTensorExp` lacks of it, since it is only a general base class.
Thus, I think this Plan will also never be called. Remain unproven!!!
template<typename SubType, typename SrcExp, int dim, typename DType>
struct Plan<MakeTensorExp<SubType, SrcExp, dim, DType>, DType> {
  Plan(const Plan<SubType, DType> &src) : src_(src) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return src_.Eval(y, x);

  Plan<SubType, DType> src_;

Transpose Plan

The usage of transpose plan includes

  • it has an explicit constructor that takes in a Plan src to initiate a same one as its private member variable. Since it is only a transpose expression, it still need the original src to do the evaluation, and only show the transpose effect in the special design in the Eval() function (the interchage of y and x).
  • it has a member function called Eval(), which do the transpose in the computation by calling src_.Eval(x, y), instead of src_.Eval(y, x);
template<typename EType, typename DType>
class Plan<TransposeExp<EType, DType>, DType> {
  explicit Plan(const Plan<EType, DType> &src) : src_(src) {}

  MSHADOW_XINLINE DType Eval(index_t y, index_t x) const {
    return src_.Eval(x, y);

  Plan<EType, DType> src_;


The major purpose of MakePlan is to transform an Expression to its corresponding Plan.

Tensor MakePlan

The input variable of Tensor MakePlan is RValueExp<T, DType> &e, which is the grandfather class of Tensor. The reason of such design choice is compatibility, since a father class can safely refer to its children class.

template<typename T, typename DType>
inline Plan<T, DType> MakePlan(const RValueExp<T, DType> &e) {
  return Plan<T, DType>(e.self());

Scalar MakePlan

The Scalar MakePlan takes in a ScalarExp, and uses its member variable scalar_ to initiate Plan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType>.

template<typename DType>
inline Plan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType> MakePlan(const ScalarExp<DType> &e) {
  return Plan<ScalarExp<DType>, DType>(e.scalar_);

Typecast MakePlan

Since the Typecast Plan only use the Eval() function of original plan to do Eval() of itself, with a enforced typecast at the end, the only thing Typecast MakePlan needs to do is input a plan of original expression

template<typename DstDType, typename SrcDType, typename EType, int etype>
inline Plan<TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype>, DstDType>
MakePlan(const TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype> &e) {
  return Plan<TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype>, DstDType>(MakePlan(e.exp));

Ternary MakePlan

Since the Ternary Plan require three Plans to do the evaluation, the Ternary MakePlan just provides the plan of its components.

// declaration
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename DType, int etype>
inline Plan<TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype>, DType>
MakePlan(const TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype> &e);

// definition
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename DType, int etype>
inline Plan<TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype>, DType>
MakePlan(const TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype> &e) {
  return Plan<TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype>,
              DType>(MakePlan(e.item1_), MakePlan(e.item2_), MakePlan(e.item3_));

Binary MakePlan

Since the Binary Plan require two Plans to do the evaluation, the Biary MakePlan just provides the plan of its components.

// declaration
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
inline Plan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType>
MakePlan(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &e);

// definition
template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
inline Plan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>, DType>
MakePlan(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &e) {
  return Plan<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype>,
              DType>(MakePlan(e.lhs_), MakePlan(e.rhs_));

Unary MakePlan

Since the Unary Plan require one Plan to do the evaluation, the Unary MakePlan just provides the plan of its component.

template<typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype>
inline Plan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType>
MakePlan(const UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> &e) {
  return Plan<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype>, DType>(MakePlan(e.src_));

MakeTensorExp MakePlan

In 2.8, we have claimed that the expression type MakeTensorExp is only a base class of several extension functions (will be discussed in ./extensions/), and use the Eval() function of input plan as Eval() function of itself.

Therefore, in MakeTensorExp MakePlan, the input MakeTensorExp<T, SrcExp, dim, DType> &e is kind of like RValueExp<T, DType> &e, since both of them are the father class of other classes. Same as Tensor MakePlan, it returns Plan<T, DType>(e.real_self()); as a Plan of its SubType.

template<typename T, typename SrcExp, int dim, typename DType>
inline Plan<T, DType>
MakePlan(const MakeTensorExp<T, SrcExp, dim, DType> &e) {
  return Plan<T, DType>(e.real_self());

Transpose MakePlan

Since the Transpose Plan only use the Eval() function of original plan to do Eval() of itself, with a interchage of y and x, the only thing Transpose MakePlan needs to do is input a plan of original expression

template<typename T, typename DType>
inline Plan<TransposeExp<T, DType>, DType>
MakePlan(const TransposeExp<T, DType> &e) {
  return Plan<TransposeExp<T, DType>, DType>(MakePlan(e.exp));


ExpInfo is a template struct providing expression infomation to help the TypeCheck.

  • kDim: is the dimension of expression related variables
  • kDevice: is the device where the expression related variables stored

The default configuration is:

template<typename E>
struct ExpInfo {
  static const int kDim = -1;
  static const int kDevMask = 0;

For Tensor ExpInfo, information can be directly extracted from the Tensor:

template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
struct ExpInfo<Tensor<Device, dim, DType> > {
  static const int kDim = dim;
  static const int kDevMask = Device::kDevMask;
  // kDevMask = 1 for cpu (01), = 2 for gpu (10)

For Scalar ExpInfo, kDim is always 0, and kDevMask is always 0xffff to make sure no influence to other variables caused by itself.

template<typename DType>
struct ExpInfo< ScalarExp<DType> > {
  static const int kDim = 0;
  static const int kDevMask = 0xffff;

For Typecast ExpInfo, the information can be directly copied from the information of original expresion

template<typename DstDType, typename SrcDType, typename EType, int etype>
struct ExpInfo<TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype> > {
  static const int kDim = ExpInfo<EType>::kDim;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<EType>::kDevMask;

For Ternary ExpInfo, its information is from three different expressions:

template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename DType, int etype>
struct ExpInfo<TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype> > {
  static const int kDimItem1 = ExpInfo<TA>::kDim;
  static const int kDimItem2 = ExpInfo<TB>::kDim;
  static const int kDimItem3 = ExpInfo<TC>::kDim;
  static const int kDim = kDimItem1;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<TA>::kDevMask & ExpInfo<TB>::kDevMask & ExpInfo<TC>::kDevMask;

For Binary ExpInfo, its information is from two different expressions:

template<typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
struct ExpInfo<BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> > {
  static const int kDimLhs = ExpInfo<TA>::kDim;
  static const int kDimRhs = ExpInfo<TB>::kDim;
  static const int kDim = (kDimLhs >= 0 && kDimRhs >= 0) ?\
      (kDimLhs == 0 ?\
       kDimRhs :\
       ((kDimRhs == 0 || kDimLhs == kDimRhs) ? kDimLhs : -1)) : -1;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<TA>::kDevMask & ExpInfo<TB>::kDevMask;    

For Unary ExpInfo and Transpose ExpInfo, its information is also simply the copy of its variable:

template<typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype>
struct ExpInfo<UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> > {
  static const int kDim = ExpInfo<TA>::kDim;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<TA>::kDevMask;

template<typename E, typename DType>
struct ExpInfo<TransposeExp<E, DType> > {
  static const int kDim = ExpInfo<E>::kDim;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<E>::kDevMask;

At last, the MakeTensorExp Info is determined by SrcExp as input expression variable of its SubType

the reason of its design is unclear for now, remain to be checking !!!
template<typename T, typename SrcExp, int dim, typename DType>
struct ExpInfo<MakeTensorExp<T, SrcExp, dim, DType> > {
  static const int kDimSrc = ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDim;
  static const int kDim = kDimSrc >= 0 ? dim : -1;
  static const int kDevMask = ExpInfo<SrcExp>::kDevMask;


TypeCheck is a template to do type checking. The checking happens in compile time.

  • kExpDim: is the dimension of expression.
  • kDevPass: checks whether the expression device type matches the provided type. This is to make sure that the expression related variables are all in one specified device.
  • kMapPass: checks whether the expression can be mapped to expression of dim
  • kRedPass: checks whether the expression can be reduced to expression of dim
The usage of kRedPass is unclear yet!!!
template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType, typename E>
struct TypeCheck {
  static const int kExpDim = ExpInfo<E>::kDim; 
  static const bool kDevPass = (ExpInfo<E>::kDevMask & Device::kDevMask) != 0;
  static const bool kMapPass = (kExpDim == 0 || kExpDim == dim) && kDevPass; 
  static const bool kRedPass = (kExpDim > dim) && kDevPass;

The usage of TypeCheck is like expr::TypeCheckPass<expr::TypeCheck<cpu, dim, DType, E>::kMapPass> ::Error_All_Tensor_in_Exp_Must_Have_Same_Type();. If the TypeCheck<cpu, dim, DType, E>::kMapPass> returns false, then the corresponding function Error_All_Tensor_in_Exp_Must_Have_Same_Type() will not be found, which leads to the fail of compile.

template<bool kPass>
struct TypeCheckPass;
struct TypeCheckPass<false> {};
struct TypeCheckPass<true> {
  inline static void Error_All_Tensor_in_Exp_Must_Have_Same_Type(void) {}
  inline static void Error_TypeCheck_Not_Pass_For_Reduce_Exp(void) {}
  inline static void Error_Expression_Does_Not_Meet_Dimension_Req(void) {}


The StreamInfo returns the stream of a Tensor in its stored Device.

The usage of it is unclear yet !!!
template<typename Device, typename E>
struct StreamInfo {
  inline static Stream<Device> *Get(const E &t);

template<int dim, typename Device, typename DType>
struct StreamInfo<Device, Tensor<Device, dim, DType> > {
  inline static Stream<Device> *Get(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &t) {
    return t.stream_;


ShapeCheck is a runtime shape checking template to get the shape of an expression, reporting error if shape mismatch


template<int dim, typename E>
struct ShapeCheck {
  inline static Shape<dim> Check(const E &t);

Tensor ShapeCheck

The Tensor ShapeCheck simply returns its shape.

template<int dim, typename Device, typename DType>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, Tensor<Device, dim, DType> > {
  inline static Shape<dim> Check(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &t) {
    return t.shape_;

Scalar ShapeCheck

The Scalar ShapeCheck returns a same Shape of provided dim, but all of the dimension equal to 0.

template<int dim, typename DType>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, ScalarExp<DType> > {
  inline static Shape<dim> Check(const ScalarExp<DType> &exp) {
    Shape<dim> shape;
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
      shape[i] = 0;
    return shape;

Typecast ShapeCheck

The Typecast ShapeCheck simply conducts in a way that calls the original Check() of the expression wishing to cast it type.

template<int dim, typename DstDType, typename SrcDType, typename EType, int etype>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype> > {
  inline static Shape<dim>
  Check(const TypecastExp<DstDType, SrcDType, EType, etype> &exp) {
    return ShapeCheck<dim, EType>::Check(exp.exp);

Ternary ShapeCheck

The Ternary ShapeCheck first fetch the check results of its three variable expressions. Then, it couducts a explicit checking to make sure all of the expressions have same shape. At last, it returns one of the shape of expressions.

template<int dim, typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename DType, int etype>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype> > {
  inline static Shape<dim>
  Check(const TernaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, TC, DType, etype> &t) {
    Shape<dim> shape1 = ShapeCheck<dim, TA>::Check(t.item1_);
    Shape<dim> shape2 = ShapeCheck<dim, TB>::Check(t.item2_);
    Shape<dim> shape3 = ShapeCheck<dim, TC>::Check(t.item3_);
    bool same = (shape1 == shape2) && (shape2 == shape3);
    CHECK(same) << "TernaryMapExp: Shapes of operands are not the same, " <<
      "Shape1=" << shape1 << ", Shape2=" << shape2 << ", Shape3=" << shape3;
    return shape1;

Binary ShapeCheck

The Binary ShapeCheck first fetch the check results of its two variable expressions. Then, it couducts a explicit checking to make sure all of the expressions have same shape. At last, it returns one of the shape of expressions.

template<int dim, typename OP, typename TA, typename TB, typename DType, int etype>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> > {
  inline static Shape<dim>
  Check(const BinaryMapExp<OP, TA, TB, DType, etype> &t) {
    Shape<dim> shape1 = ShapeCheck<dim, TA>::Check(t.lhs_);
    Shape<dim> shape2 = ShapeCheck<dim, TB>::Check(t.rhs_);
    if (shape1[0] == 0) return shape2;
    if (shape2[0] == 0) return shape1;
    CHECK_EQ(shape1, shape2) << "BinaryMapExp: Shapes of operands are not the same, " <<
      "Shape1=" << shape1 << ", Shape2=" << shape2;
    return shape1;

Unary ShapeCheck

For Unary ShapeCheck, it just fetch the check result of its variable expressions and return it.

template<int dim, typename OP, typename TA, typename DType, int etype>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> > {
  inline static Shape<dim> Check(const UnaryMapExp<OP, TA, DType, etype> &t) {
    Shape<dim> s = ShapeCheck<dim, TA>::Check(t.src_);
    return s;

MakeTensorExp ShapeCheck

MakeTensorExp ShapeCheck simply use the member variable shape_ of MakeTensorExp as its return.

It is design strategy needs to be further examined.
template<int dim, typename SrcExp, typename T, typename DType>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, MakeTensorExp<T, SrcExp, dim, DType> > {
  inline static Shape<dim>
  Check(const MakeTensorExp<T, SrcExp, dim, DType> &t) {
    return t.shape_;

Transpose ShapeCheck

Transpose ShapeCheck fetchs the checked shape of expression to be transposed, and simply return the swaped lowest two dimensions.

The strategy of Transpose needs to be further studied when it comes to application.
template<int dim, typename E, typename DType>
struct ShapeCheck<dim, TransposeExp<E, DType> > {
  inline static Shape<dim> Check(const TransposeExp<E, DType> &e) {
    // swap the lowest two dimensions
    Shape<dim> s = ShapeCheck<dim, E>::Check(e.exp);
    std::swap(s[0], s[1]);
    return s;


ExpEngine is a struct with several overloaded Eval() functions, always called by the assignment related functions in RValueExp to dispatch simple operations.

template<typename SV, typename RV, typename DType>
struct ExpEngine {
  template<typename E>
  inline static void Eval(RV *dst,
                          const Exp<E, DType, type::kMapper> &exp) {
    MapExp<SV>(dst, exp);

  template<typename E>
  inline static void Eval(RV *dst,
                          const Exp<E, DType, type::kChainer> &exp) {
    MapExp<SV>(dst, exp);

  template<typename E>
  inline static void Eval(RV *dst,
                          const Exp<E, DType, type::kRValue> &exp) {
    MapExp<SV>(dst, exp);

  template<typename E>
  inline static void Eval(RV *dst,
                          const Exp<E, DType, type::kComplex> &exp) {
    ExpComplexEngine<SV, RV, E, DType>::Eval(dst->ptrself(), exp.self());

The ExpComplexEngine to evaluate expression with type::kComplex majorly deals with dot() expression and looks like:

template<typename SV, typename RV, typename E, typename DType>
struct ExpComplexEngine {
  inline static void Eval(RV *dst, const E &exp);

template<typename SV, typename Device, int dim, int ldim,
         int rdim, bool ltrans, bool rtrans, typename DType>
struct ExpComplexEngine<SV,
                        Tensor<Device, dim, DType>,
                        DotExp<Tensor<Device, ldim, DType>,
                               Tensor<Device, rdim, DType>,
                               ltrans, rtrans, DType>,
                        DType> {
  inline static void Eval(Tensor<Device, dim, DType> *dst,
                          const DotExp<Tensor<Device, ldim, DType>,
                                       Tensor<Device, rdim, DType>,
                                       ltrans, rtrans, DType> &exp) {
    DotEngine<SV, Device, dim, ldim, rdim,
              ltrans, rtrans, DType>::Eval(dst, exp.lhs_, exp.rhs_, exp.scale_);

The DotEngine will be further discussed in ./dot_engine-inl.h.