


parameter.h provides lightweight utilities to do parameter setup and checking.

  • Predefined enum and struct
  • FieldAccessEntry
  • FieldEntryBase
  • FieldEntryNumeric
  • FieldEntry
  • ParamManager
  • ParamManagerSingleton
  • Parameter

1. Predefined enum and struct

1.1 ParamInitOption

ParamInitOption is the option in parameter initialization.

  • kAllowUnknown: allow unknown parameters
  • kAllMatch: need to match exact parameters
  • kAllowHidde: allow unmatched hidden field with format __*__
enum ParamInitOption {

1.2 ParamFieldInfo

ParamFieldInfo provides information about a parameter field in string representations.

  • name: name of the field
  • type: type of the field in string format
  • type_info_str: This includes the default value, enum constrain and typename
  • description: detailed description of the type
struct ParamFieldInfo {
  std::string name;
  std::string type;
  std::string type_info_str;
  std::string description;

2. FieldAccessEntry

FieldAccessEntry is an internal interface to help managge the parameters. Each entry can be used to access one parameter in the struct inherited from Parameter.

Following is an overview of its member variables and functions, which are all defined as virtual function

class FieldAccessEntry {
      : has_default_(false) {}
  virtual ~FieldAccessEntry() {}
  virtual void SetDefault(void *head) const = 0;
  virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const = 0;
  virtual void Check(void *head) const {}
  virtual std::string GetStringValue(void *head) const = 0;
  virtual ParamFieldInfo GetFieldInfo() const = 0;

  bool has_default_;
  size_t index_;
  std::string key_;
  std::string type_;
  std::string description_;
  virtual void PrintDefaultValueString(std::ostream &os) const = 0; 
  friend class ParamManager;

We add some brief introduction of the concepts in above code.

2.1 Pure Virtual Function

Pure virtual function is a special type of virtual function by adding = 0 in the back.

A class containing one or more pure virtual functions is called abstract class. We cannot declare instances from this class. It only serve as a base class for its derived class. Moreover, unless all pure virtual functions are defined in the derived class, we can still not declare instances using the derived class.

2.2 Virtual Destructor

When the base class has virtual function, its destructor must be defined to be virtual. If not, when deconstruct its child classes, the system will call the destructor of base class, which will lead to the memory leak, since the variables owned by child classes will not be deleted.

3. FieldEntryBase

template<typename TEntry, typename DType>
class FieldEntryBase : public FieldAccessEntry

FieldEntryBase is a base class of all FieldEntry class, but itself is inherited from FieldAccessEntry with all pure virtual function defined.

3.1 Member Variables

ptrdiff_t offset_;
DType default_value_;

// together with inherited ones
bool has_default_;
size_t index_;
std::string key_;
std::string type_;
std::string description_;

ptrdiff_t, like size_t (unsigned), is a machine-related type (signed), defined in cstddef head file.

In the context of dmlc-core, we use it to identify the offset of the address between the head and the target instance.

3.2 Member Functions

3.2.1 public: Init

Init() function sets values for member variables key_, type_, and offset_.

inline void Init(const std::string &key,
                 void *head, DType &ref) { 
  this->key_ = key;
  if (this->type_.length() == 0) {
    this->type_ = dmlc::type_name<DType>();
  this->offset_ = ((char*)&ref) - ((char*)head); 

The code this->type_.length() == 0 means the type_ is only set once and cannot change.

Moreover, the function dmlc::type_name<DType>() is defined in ./type_traits.h.

#define DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(Type, Name)            \
  template<>                                          \
  inline const char* type_name<Type>() {              \
    return Name;                                      \

DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(float, "float");
DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(double, "double");
DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(uint32_t, "int (non-negative)");
DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(uint64_t, "long (non-negative)");
DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(std::string, "string");
DMLC_DECLARE_TYPE_NAME(bool, "boolean");

3.2.2 protected: Get

Get() function fetches the internal representation of parameters.

For example, if this entry corresponds field param.learning_rate then Get(&param) will return reference to param.learning_rate. Its realization thanks to the offset_ between head and the target instance.

inline DType &Get(void *head) const {
  return *(DType*)((char*)(head) + offset_);

First, it converts head wity type void* to char*. Second it adds the offset_ to head. Third, it converts head added by offset_ to DType*. Last, it returns the value of head with type DType*.

Note, protected variables or functions can be accessed by friend or hild class.

3.2.3 public: Set

Set() function set the target instance with value. In its implementation, it explicitly avoids space in the value.

Important Note: the value returned by Get() is DType. Thanks to the overloaded operator >> in istringstream, we can convert the string type of is to the corresponding DType.

istream& operator>> (bool& val);
istream& operator>> (short& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned short& val);
istream& operator>> (int& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned int& val);
istream& operator>> (long& val);
istream& operator>> (unsigned long& val);
istream& operator>> (float& val);
istream& operator>> (double& val);
istream& operator>> (long double& val);
istream& operator>> (void*& val);
virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const {
  std::istringstream is(value);
  is >> this->Get(head);
  // the following codes is designed for avoiding `space` in the value
  if (!is.fail()) {
    while (!is.eof()) {
      int ch = is.get(); // `.get()` returns the next character of istringstream
      if (ch == EOF) {
        is.clear(); break;  // `.clear()` clears all error flags in default
      if (!isspace(ch)) {   // `isspace()` is a C function to check space
        is.setstate(std::ios::failbit); break;  // if we run into space, we manually set the failbit 
                                                // so the program will go into the next `if()`

  if (is.fail()) {
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << "Invalid Parameter format for " << key_
       << " expect " << type_ << " but value=\'" << value<< '\'';
    throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());

The declaration of explicit constructor of istringstream is

explicit istringstream (const string& str, ios_base::openmode which = ios_base::in);
// str: A string object, whose content is copied.

3.2.4 public: set_default

In default, class inherited from FieldEntryBase do not have a default value. set_default() function changes it by setting has_default_ to be true and sets default_value_ defined by itself to the value of input variable. At last, it returns itself to allow chaining.

inline TEntry &set_default(const DType &default_value) {
  default_value_ = default_value;
  has_default_ = true;
  return this->self();

3.2.5 public: self

self() first change the type of pointer this to the pointer type of its sub-class. Then, it returns the pointed instance of the pointer.

inline TEntry &self() {
  return *(static_cast<TEntry*>(this));

Note: a static_cast is useful to perform a conversion that the compiler will not generate automatically.

3.2.6 public: SetDefault

Since the function set_default() changes the flag has_default_ to be true, we are able to modify the target instance with the pre-set default_value_. If it is called before set_default(), it will throw out a error.

virtual void SetDefault(void *head) const {
  if (!has_default_) {
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << "Required parameter " << key_
       << " of " << type_ << " is not presented";
    throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
  } else {
    this->Get(head) = default_value_;

3.2.7 public: describe

It simply sets the self-defined member variables description_ to the input.

inline TEntry &describe(const std::string &description) {
  description_ = description;
  return this->self();

3.2.8 protected: PrintValue

PrintValue() simply prints the value with DType.

virtual void PrintValue(std::ostream &os, DType value) const {
  os << value;

3.2.9 protected: PrintDefaultValueString

PrintDefaultValueString() simply prints the default value.

virtual void PrintDefaultValueString(std::ostream &os) const { 
  PrintValue(os, default_value_);

3.2.10 public: GetStringValue

GetStringValue() simply prints the value it stores.

virtual std::string GetStringValue(void *head) const {
  std::ostringstream os;
  PrintValue(os, this->Get(head));
  return os.str();

3.2.11 public: GetFieldInfo

It simply sets information of the class into the four member variables in ParamFieldInfo, and returns it.

virtual ParamFieldInfo GetFieldInfo() const {
  ParamFieldInfo info;
  std::ostringstream os;
  info.name = key_;
  info.type = type_;
  os << type_;
  if (has_default_) {
    os << ',' << " optional, default=";
  } else {
    os << ", required";
  info.type_info_str = os.str();
  info.description = description_;
  return info;

4. FieldEntryNumeric

FieldEntryNumeric is a base class for numeric types that have ranges. It is the child class of FieldEntryBase and grandchild class of FieldAccessEntry.

template<typename TEntry, typename DType>
class FieldEntryNumeric : public FieldEntryBase<TEntry, DType> {};

4.1 Member Variables

bool has_begin_, has_end_;
DType begin_, end_;

// inherited from `FieldEntryBase`
ptrdiff_t offset_;
DType default_value_;

// inherited from `FieldAccessEntry`
bool has_default_;
size_t index_;
std::string key_;
std::string type_;
std::string description_;

4.2 Constructor

In default, a FieldEntryNumeric type do not have range constraints.

    : has_begin_(false), has_end_(false) {}

4.3 Member Functions

4.3.1 set_range

It simply sets the range of begin and end, and turns on the flag has_begin_ and has_end_.

virtual TEntry &set_range(DType begin, DType end) {
  begin_ = begin; end_ = end;
  has_begin_ = true; has_end_ = true;
  return this->self();

4.3.2 set_lower_bound

It simply sets the begin_ and turns on the flag has_begin_.

virtual TEntry &set_lower_bound(DType begin) {
  begin_ = begin; has_begin_ = true;
  return this->self();

4.3.3 Check

It does a simple checking of parameter constraints.

virtual void Check(void *head) const {
  FieldEntryBase<TEntry, DType>::Check(head); // not implement
  DType v = this->Get(head);
  if (has_begin_ && has_end_) {
    if (v < begin_ || v > end_) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "value " << v << "for Parameter " << this->key_
         << " exceed bound [" << begin_ << ',' << end_ <<']';
      throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
  } else if (has_begin_ && v < begin_) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "value " << v << "for Parameter " << this->key_
         << " should be greater equal to " << begin_;
      throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
  } else if (has_end_ && v > end_) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "value " << v << "for Parameter " << this->key_
         << " should be smaller equal to " << end_;
      throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());

5. FieldEntry

FieldEntry defines parsing and checking behavior of DType. This class can be specialized to implement specific behavior of more settings.

5.1 FieldEntry<typename DType>

It is a general definition of FieldEntry, which only determines it inheriting from a common FieldEntryBase class or a specific FieldEntryNumeric class for numeric.

template<typename DType>
class FieldEntry :
      public IfThenElseType<dmlc::is_arithmetic<DType>::value,
                            FieldEntryNumeric<FieldEntry<DType>, DType>,
                            FieldEntryBase<FieldEntry<DType>, DType> >::Type {

Basically, it uses a trick to let FieldEntry inherit from different classes. Following codes will be helpful for understanding.

// all defined in `./type_traits.h`
template<typename T>
struct is_arithmetic {
  /*! \brief the value of the traits */
  static const bool value = std::is_arithmetic<T>::value;
  /*! \brief the value of the traits */
  static const bool value = (dmlc::is_integral<T>::value ||

template<typename Then, typename Else>
struct IfThenElseType<true, Then, Else> {
  typedef Then Type;

template<typename Then, typename Else>
struct IfThenElseType<false, Then, Else> {
  typedef Else Type;

5.2 FieldEntry<int>

class FieldEntry<int> : public FieldEntryNumeric<FieldEntry<int>, int> {};

It specializes the definition of FieldEntry for int type to implement some specific behaviors.

5.2.1 Member Variables

bool is_enum_;
std::map<std::string, int> enum_map_;
std::map<int, std::string> enum_back_map_;

// inherited from `FieldEntryNumeric`
bool has_begin_, has_end_;
DType begin_, end_;

// inherited from `FieldEntryBase`
ptrdiff_t offset_;
DType default_value_;

// inherited from `FieldAccessEntry`
bool has_default_;
size_t index_;
std::string key_;
std::string type_;
std::string description_;

5.2.2 Constructor

In default, we cannot do enumeration.

FieldEntry<int>() : is_enum_(false) {}

5.2.3 Member Functions Set

It adds the consideration of enumeration case. If is_enum_ is true, it will first find the corresponding instance of value and return its iterator. Then, it will determine whether to set the value according to the return. All in all, the actual set is still performed by its father class.

virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const {
  if (is_enum_) {
    std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = enum_map_.find(value);
    std::ostringstream os;
    if (it == enum_map_.end()) {
      os << "Invalid Input: \'" << value;
      os << "\', valid values are: ";
      throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
    } else {
      os << it->second;
      Parent::Set(head, os.str());
  } else {
    Parent::Set(head, value);
} add_enum

It only works when the enum_map_.size() is 0 and the key in enum_map_ has not been set, and value in enum_back_map_ also has not been set.

Its workflow is set the corresponding relation between key and value directly and reversely. Then, it will turn on the flag is_enum_ and return itself for chaining.

inline FieldEntry<int> &add_enum(const std::string &key, int value) {
  if ((enum_map_.size() != 0 && enum_map_.count(key) != 0) || \
      enum_back_map_.count(value) != 0) {
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << "Enum " << "(" << key << ": " << value << " exisit!" << ")\n";
    os << "Enums: ";
    for (std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = enum_map_.begin();
         it != enum_map_.end(); ++it) {
      os << "(" << it->first << ": " << it->second << "), ";
    throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
  enum_map_[key] = value;
  enum_back_map_[value] = key;
  is_enum_ = true;
  return this->self();
why not use auto here?
may not get the const_iterator?
why not use cbegin() PrintValue

PrintValue() directly print the input value of type int if the flag is_enum_ is not on. If the flag is on, it first check whether the value is in the enum_back_map_. If it is, it returns the value corresponded to value in enum_back_map_.

virtual void PrintValue(std::ostream &os, int value) const { 
  if (is_enum_) {
    CHECK_NE(enum_back_map_.count(value), 0U)
        << "Value not found in enum declared";
    os << enum_back_map_.at(value);
  } else {
    os << value;
} PrintDefaultValueString

It simply call the function PrintValue() to print its default_value_.

virtual void PrintDefaultValueString(std::ostream &os) const { 
  os << '\'';
  PrintValue(os, default_value_);
  os << '\'';
} PrintEnums

It simply output every string type, which is the key in the enum_map_.

inline void PrintEnums(std::ostream &os) const { 
  os << '{';
  for (std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator
           it = enum_map_.begin(); it != enum_map_.end(); ++it) {
    if (it != enum_map_.begin()) {
      os << ", ";
    os << "\'" << it->first << '\'';
  os << '}';
} GetFieldInfo

If is_enum_ is not on, it simply call GetFieldInfo() of its parent class. Otherwise, it perform its own codes. The only difference is the PrintEnums(os).

virtual ParamFieldInfo GetFieldInfo() const {
  if (is_enum_) {
    ParamFieldInfo info;
    std::ostringstream os;
    info.name = key_;
    info.type = type_;
    if (has_default_) {
      os << ',' << "optional, default=";
    } else {
      os << ", required";
    info.type_info_str = os.str();
    info.description = description_;
    return info;
  } else {
    return Parent::GetFieldInfo();

5.3 FieldEntry<std::string>

It specializes the definition of FieldEntry for std::string type to implement some specific behaviors.

class FieldEntry<std::string> 
    : public FieldEntryBase<FieldEntry<std::string>, std::string> {};

5.3.1 Member Functions Set

Since the Set() function in its base class FieldEntryBase has a design for avoiding space in the value, it is naturally insuitable for a specific std::string type. So it overloads the Set() by directly set the target instance as the input value.

virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const {
  this->Get(head) = value;
} PrintDefaultValueString

It overloads the PrintDefaultValueString() to add single quotes on its two sides.

virtual void PrintDefaultValueString(std::ostream &os) const {  // NOLINT(*)
  os << '\'' << default_value_ << '\'';

5.4 FieldEntry<bool>

It specializes the definition of FieldEntry for bool type to implement some specific behaviors.

class FieldEntry<bool>
    : public FieldEntryBase<FieldEntry<bool>, bool> {};

5.4.1 Member Functions Set

It first define a string with same size of value. Then it transforms the characters in value to be lowercase and stores in the defined string. If the value is one of true, false, 1, and 0, it will set the target instance as true of false accordingly. Otherwise, it will raise an error.

virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const {
  std::string lower_case; lower_case.resize(value.length());
  std::transform(value.begin(), value.end(), lower_case.begin(), ::tolower);
  bool &ref = this->Get(head);  // directly set the value by reference
  if (lower_case == "true") {
    ref = true;
  } else if (lower_case == "false") {
    ref = false;
  } else if (lower_case == "1") {
    ref = true;
  } else if (lower_case == "0") {
    ref = false;
  } else {
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << "Invalid Parameter format for " << key_
       << " expect " << type_ << " but value=\'" << value<< '\'';
    throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
} PrintValue

Instead of directly output true and false as 1 and 0, it outputs them as a string.

virtual void PrintValue(std::ostream &os, bool value) const {
  if (value) {
    os << "True";
  } else {
    os << "False";

6. ParamManager

class ParamManager {};

ParamManager class is to handle parameter settings for each type in the structure. An ParamManager will be created for each parameter structures.

6.1 Member Variables

  • name_: parameter holding struct name
  • entry_: positional list of entries
  • entry_map_: map from key to entry
std::string name_;
std::vector<FieldAccessEntry*> entry_;
std::map<std::string, FieldAccessEntry*> entry_map_;

6.2 Destructor

ParamManager explicitly deletes every entry_ to trigger their destructors.

~ParamManager() {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_.size(); ++i) {
    delete entry_[i];

6.3 Member Functions

6.3.1 AddEntry

AddEntry() is an internal function to add entry to manager, and the manager will take over the ownership of the entry.

It first sets the member variable index_ in FieldAccessEntry to current entry_.size(). So, every FieldEntry can be sorted according to the order of add. Second, if the key is already in the entry_map_, it will raise an error. Otherwise, it will push the object of type FieldAccessEntry into its entry_, and set the map connection between key and the object instance.

inline void AddEntry(const std::string &key, FieldAccessEntry *e) {
  e->index_ = entry_.size();
  if (entry_map_.count(key) != 0) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "key " << key << " has already been registered in " << name_;
  entry_map_[key] = e;

6.3.2 AddAlias

AddAlias() is to set an alias to existent entry. It first checks whether the field name has already registered, and alias has not been registered. If both is true, it create a new map connection between alias and the object instance.

inline void AddAlias(const std::string& field, const std::string& alias) {
  if (entry_map_.count(field) == 0) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "key " << field << " has not been registered in " << name_;
  if (entry_map_.count(alias) != 0) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Alias " << alias << " has already been registered in " << name_;
  entry_map_[alias] = entry_map_[field];

6.3.3 set_name

set_name() simply set its member variable name_ to be the name of struct.

inline void set_name(const std::string &name) {
  name_ = name;

6.3.4 GetFieldInfo

GetFieldInfo() simply builds a vector to store the field information of every entry respectively and returns it.

inline std::vector<ParamFieldInfo> GetFieldInfo() const {
  std::vector<ParamFieldInfo> ret(entry_.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_.size(); ++i) {
    ret[i] = entry_[i]->GetFieldInfo();
  return ret;

6.3.5 PrintDocString

PrintDocString() is designed for readible docstring.

For every component in entry_, it first fetches its corresponding ParamFieldInfo, and output its member variable name and type_info_str. If it has description, that will also be output.

inline void PrintDocString(std::ostream &os) const {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < entry_.size(); ++i) {
    ParamFieldInfo info = entry_[i]->GetFieldInfo();
    os << info.name << " : " << info.type_info_str << '\n';
    if (info.description.length() != 0) {
      os << "    " << info.description << '\n';

6.3.6 GetDict

It gets the internal parameters and push them into a vector of pairs. The first value in the pair is the name of the instance, and the second value is the content of the internal parameters been converted to string.

inline std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > GetDict(void * head) const {
  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > ret;
  for (std::map<std::string, FieldAccessEntry*>::const_iterator
          it = entry_map_.begin(); it != entry_map_.end(); ++it) {
    ret.push_back(std::make_pair(it->first, it->second->GetStringValue(head)));
  return ret;

6.3.7 Find

It finds the entry in entry_map_ by the key value.

inline FieldAccessEntry *Find(const std::string &key) const {
  std::map<std::string, FieldAccessEntry*>::const_iterator it =
  if (it == entry_map_.end()) return NULL;
  return it->second;

6.3.8 RunInit

It does the initialization to every entry stored, by the contents inside of RandomAccessIterator.

It first checks whether the key inside of it->first has been registered in entry_map_. If it is, it fetches the class FieldEntry corresponding to the key, and set its actual value to be it->second. Then, it will call Check() to examine the satisfication of constraints, and insert the processed FieldEntry into selected_args.

Otherwise, it will check several extra conditions to determine whether keep the program running or raise an error. We will leave the discussion until we meet the case that uses them.

After the initialization, it checks every component inside entry_map_, if there are components not being initialized, the function SetDefault() will be called.

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void RunInit(void *head,
                    RandomAccessIterator begin,
                    RandomAccessIterator end,
                    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > *unknown_args,
                    parameter::ParamInitOption option) const {
  std::set<FieldAccessEntry*> selected_args;
  for (RandomAccessIterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
    FieldAccessEntry *e = Find(it->first);
    if (e != NULL) {
      e->Set(head, it->second);
    } else {
      if (unknown_args != NULL) {
      } else {
        if (option != parameter::kAllowUnknown) {
          if (option == parameter::kAllowHidden &&
              it->first.length() > 4 &&
              it->first.find("__") == 0 &&
              it->first.rfind("__") == it->first.length()-2) {
          std::ostringstream os;
          os << "Cannot find argument \'" << it->first << "\', Possible Arguments:\n";
          os << "----------------\n";
          throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());

  for (std::map<std::string, FieldAccessEntry*>::const_iterator it = entry_map_.begin();
       it != entry_map_.end(); ++it) {
    if (selected_args.count(it->second) == 0) {

7. ParamManagerSingleton

In the execution, the typename PType will be replaced by the type of use-defined struct. In fact, the process of its initialization is actually also the initialization process for ParamManager.

It first defines a param with PType. Then, call the member function __DECLARE__() of PType with pointer this passing into it. Inside the __DECLARE__, we do the initialization of PType by manipulating the member variable manager with type ParamManager through this pointer. At last, it set the name of the manager according to the name of the user-defined struct.

template<typename PType>
struct ParamManagerSingleton {
  ParamManager manager;
  explicit ParamManagerSingleton(const std::string &param_name) {
    PType param;

The detailed discussion of this class should be combined with the following contents.

8. Macro

In ./parameter.h we introduce several macros to declare parameter.


DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER is used inside the struct as a declaration or definition of member functions.

The usage of DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER is firstly declare a function named __MANAGER__(), then define a function named __DECLARE__() whose input variable is with type ParamManagerSingleton.

#define DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER(PType)                                   \
  static ::dmlc::parameter::ParamManager *__MANAGER__();                \
  inline void __DECLARE__(::dmlc::parameter::ParamManagerSingleton<PType> *manager) \


DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD should follow right behind DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER, it call the DECLARE() function of class Parameter to register parameter.

#define DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD(FieldName)  this->DECLARE(manager, #FieldName, FieldName)


DMLC_DECLARE_ALIAS is also used inside the struct to store parameters. It always appears after DMLC_DECLARE_PARAMETER and DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD to set alias of defined parameters by calling member function AddAlias() of class Parameter.

#define DMLC_DECLARE_ALIAS(FieldName, AliasName)  manager->manager.AddAlias(#FieldName, #AliasName)


This macro need to be put in a source file so that the __MANAGER__() function declared inside the struct can be defined.

The usage of DMLC_REGISTER_PARAMETER is to define the function __MANAGER__() declared in the struct, and call the defined function __MANAGER__() (I wonder the reason of its existence).

#define DMLC_REGISTER_PARAMETER(PType)                                  \
  ::dmlc::parameter::ParamManager *PType::__MANAGER__() {               \
    static ::dmlc::parameter::ParamManagerSingleton<PType> inst(#PType); \
    return &inst.manager;                                               \
  }                                                                     \
  static DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED ::dmlc::parameter::ParamManager&         \
  __make__ ## PType ## ParamManager__ =                                 \
      (*PType::__MANAGER__())                                           \

We indicates __make__ ## PType ## ParamManager__ will never be used in the context. It only triggers the function __MANAGER__() and accpets its return.

9. Parameter

Parameter is the base type that every parameter struct should inheritate from.

The following code is a complete example to setup parameters. Note: It is important for every parameter struct inherited from class Parameter<PType>, where PType is itself.

struct Param : public dmlc::Parameter<Param> {
  float learning_rate;
  int num_hidden;
  std::string name;
  // declare parameters in header file
    DMLC_DECLARE_FIELD(num_hidden).set_range(0, 1000);

// register it in cc file

The only difference between a normal struct is that we will need to declare all the fields, as well as their default value or constraints.

9.1 Member Functions

9.1.1 protected: DECLARE

DECLARE() function is the most important member function of Parameter. Everytime we want to manipulate the stored parameter inside struct, it will be called.

Inside of it, it constructs and inits a new instance with type FieldEntry<DType>. The DType is determined by the type of its input variable ref. At last, it add the entry into the ParamManager.

template<typename DType>
inline parameter::FieldEntry<DType>& DECLARE(parameter::ParamManagerSingleton<PType> *manager,
                                             const std::string &key, DType &ref) {
  parameter::FieldEntry<DType> *e = new parameter::FieldEntry<DType>();
  e->Init(key, this->head(), ref);
  manager->manager.AddEntry(key, e);
  return *e;

At here, we can conclude the execution process of the calling PType::__MANAGER__().

  • (1) It initializes a new ParamManagerSingleton. Inside of the constructor, a temporal struct will be built. And the __DECLARE__() function of the temporal struct will be called to initialize a new FieldEntry<DType> added as a new entry of the ParamManager.
  • (2) The ParamManager will be returned for further execution of the struct like Init(), __DICT__() or __DOC__().

9.1.2 public: Init

It initializes the parameter by keyword arguments, stored in a container, which can be a map or a vector containing pair. Inside this function, parameter struct will bo initialized, and every parameter will be checked and error will be thrown if something is wrong.

template<typename Container>
inline void Init(const Container &kwargs,
                 parameter::ParamInitOption option = parameter::kAllowHidden) {
                                kwargs.begin(), kwargs.end(),

Followe the example before, the usage of Init() function is:

int main() {
   MyParam param;
   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > param_data = {
     {"num_hidden", "100"},
     {"learning_rate", "0.1f"},
     {"name", "MyNet"}
   // set the parameters
   return 0;

The execution process is as follows. First, it calls the __MANAGER__() function of the struct.

ParamManager *PType::__MANAGER__() {
  static ::dmlc::parameter::ParamManagerSingleton<PType> inst(#PType);
  return &inst.manager;                                              

Inside the __MANAGER__(), a ParamManagerSingleton will be created, whose constructor will call the member function __DECLARE__() of the struct. Inside struct, every parameter related default value or constraints will all be set. Then, it returns the member variable manager with type ParamManager.

Second, the member function RunInit() of returned manager will be called. We only consider the case that all parameter are correctly set, so all parameters are set inside the RunInit() referred to its description in this notebook.

Let us summarize the usage of `./parameter.h`. It is major difference to normal structure is it
introduce more information into the struct like default value, constraints, and descriptions.

Indeed, the parameter is stored in the same way as usual. But, the difference is the way to 
manipulate them. Everytime we want to manipulate them, a temporal `ParamManager` will be created
to handle it.

Once we finish our task, we will run into the end of function `Init()`, which will automatically 
trigger the destructor of `ParamManager`.

9.1.3 private: head

head() returns head pointer of child structure

inline PType *head() const {
  return static_cast<PType*>(const_cast<Parameter<PType>*>(this));

9.1.4 public: _DICT_

It gets the internal parameters and push them into a vector of pairs. The first value in the pair is the name of the instance, and the second value is the content of the internal parameters been converted to string. Then, it use range constructor to initialize a map.

Note of range constructor, We can also initialize an associative container from a range of values, so long as those values can be converted to the type of the container.

inline std::map<std::string, std::string> __DICT__() const {
  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > vec
      = PType::__MANAGER__()->GetDict(this->head());
  return std::map<std::string, std::string>(vec.begin(), vec.end());

9.1.5 public: _FIELDS_

It simply return the result of function GetFieldInfo() of a ParamManager type.

inline static std::vector<ParamFieldInfo> __FIELDS__() {
  return PType::__MANAGER__()->GetFieldInfo();

9.1.6 public: _DOC_

It simply output the result of function PrintDocString() of a ParamManager type.

inline static std::string __DOC__() {
  std::ostringstream os;
  return os.str();

Missing Explanation


size_t length() const;

std::string::length() returns the length of the string, in terms of bytes. e.g.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main ()
  std::string str ("Test string");
  std::cout << "The size of str is " << str.length() << " bytes.\n";
  return 0;

// output: The size of str is 11 bytes


map::find(k) searches the container for an element with a key equivalent to k and returns an iterator to it if found, otherwise it returns an iterator to map::end.


map::size() returns the number of elements in the map container.


map::count(k) searches the container for elements with a key equivalent to k and returns the number of matches.

Because all elements in a map container are unique, the function can only return 1 (if the element is found) or 0 (otherwise).


std::at(k) returns a reference to the mapped value of the element identified with key k.

If k does not match the key of any element in the container, the function throws an out_of_range exception.


void resize (size_t n);
void resize (size_t n, char c);

std::resize() resizes the string to a length of n characters.

If n is smaller than the current string length, the current value is shortened to its first n character, removing the characters beyond the n-th.

If n is greater than the current string length, the current content is extended by inserting at the end as many characters as needed to reach a size of n. If c is specified, the new elements are initialized as copies of c, otherwise, they are value-initialized characters (null characters).


template< class InputIt, class OutputIt, class UnaryOperation >
OutputIt transform(InputIt first1, InputIt last1, OutputIt d_first, UnaryOperation unary_op);

std::transform() applies the given function to a range and stores the result in another range, beginning at d_first. The unary operation unary_op is applied to the range defined by [first1, last1).


std::tolower() converts the given character to lowercase according to the character conversion rules.

Special Character in #define

  • ##: is to combine two operatees, e.g. #define conn(x,y) x##y will result int n = conn(123,456) as n = 123456
  • #@: is to add single quotes, e.g. #define ToChar(x) #@x will result char a = ToChar(1) as a = '1'
  • # : is to add double quotes, e.g. #define ToString(x) #x will result char* str = ToString(123) as str = "123"


Normally, the compiler warns if a variable is declared but is never referenced. __attribute__((unused)) informs the compiler that you expect a variable to be unused and tells it not to issue a warning if it is not used. So, in dmlc-core, we define

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define DMLC_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))

Missing Component


We will consider it later, when we meet it

template<typename Container>
inline std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >
InitAllowUnknown(const Container &kwargs) {
  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > unknown;
                                kwargs.begin(), kwargs.end(),
                                &unknown, parameter::kAllowUnknown);
  return unknown;


We will leave it to the discussion of ./json.h

inline void Save(dmlc::JSONWriter *writer) const {


We will leave it to the discussion of ./json.h

inline void Load(dmlc::JSONReader *reader) {
  std::map<std::string, std::string> kwargs;

FieldEntry<optional >

Currently, we have no idea of its usage.

class FieldEntry<optional<int> > : public FieldEntryBase<FieldEntry<optional<int> >, optional<int> > {
  // construct
  FieldEntry<optional<int> >() : is_enum_(false) {}
  // parent
  typedef FieldEntryBase<FieldEntry<optional<int> >, optional<int> > Parent;
  // override set
  virtual void Set(void *head, const std::string &value) const {
    if (is_enum_ && value != "None") {
      std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = enum_map_.find(value);
      std::ostringstream os;
      if (it == enum_map_.end()) {
        os << "Invalid Input: \'" << value;
        os << "\', valid values are: ";
        throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
      } else {
        os << it->second;
        Parent::Set(head, os.str());
    } else {
      Parent::Set(head, value);
  virtual ParamFieldInfo GetFieldInfo() const {
    if (is_enum_) {
      ParamFieldInfo info;
      std::ostringstream os;
      info.name = key_;
      info.type = type_;
      if (has_default_) {
        os << ',' << "optional, default=";
      } else {
        os << ", required";
      info.type_info_str = os.str();
      info.description = description_;
      return info;
    } else {
      return Parent::GetFieldInfo();
  // add enum
  inline FieldEntry<optional<int> > &add_enum(const std::string &key, int value) {
    CHECK_NE(key, "None") << "None is reserved for empty optional<int>";
    if ((enum_map_.size() != 0 && enum_map_.count(key) != 0) || \
        enum_back_map_.count(value) != 0) {
      std::ostringstream os;
      os << "Enum " << "(" << key << ": " << value << " exisit!" << ")\n";
      os << "Enums: ";
      for (std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = enum_map_.begin();
           it != enum_map_.end(); ++it) {
        os << "(" << it->first << ": " << it->second << "), ";
      throw dmlc::ParamError(os.str());
    enum_map_[key] = value;
    enum_back_map_[value] = key;
    is_enum_ = true;
    return this->self();

  // enum flag
  bool is_enum_;
  // enum map
  std::map<std::string, int> enum_map_;
  // enum map
  std::map<int, std::string> enum_back_map_;
  // override print behavior
  virtual void PrintDefaultValueString(std::ostream &os) const { // NOLINT(*)
    os << '\'';
    PrintValue(os, default_value_);
    os << '\'';
  // override print default
  virtual void PrintValue(std::ostream &os, optional<int> value) const {  // NOLINT(*)
    if (is_enum_) {
      if (!value) {
        os << "None";
      } else {
        CHECK_NE(enum_back_map_.count(value.value()), 0)
            << "Value not found in enum declared";
        os << enum_back_map_.at(value.value());
    } else {
      os << value;

  inline void PrintEnums(std::ostream &os) const {  // NOLINT(*)
    os << "{None";
    for (std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator
             it = enum_map_.begin(); it != enum_map_.end(); ++it) {
      os << ", ";
      os << "\'" << it->first << '\'';
    os << '}';