
./tensor_blob.h consists of common representation of arbitrary dimension tensor, which can be used to transforme to normal fixed dimension tensor.

  • TShape
  • TBlob


TShape is a dynamic shape class (not a template class) that can hold shape of arbitrary dimension.

The shape will be stored in data_stack_ when dimension is smaller than kStackCache. When it is bigger, it will be stored in data_heap_.

Member Variables

  • kStackCache: size of space in stack.
  • ndim_: number of dimensions of the shape.
  • num_heap_allocated_: number of cells allocated in data_heap_.
  • data_stack_[kStackCache]: stack space used to store shape when dimension is small.
  • *data_heap_: space to store shape when dimension is big.
static const index_t kStackCache = 4;
index_t ndim_;
index_t num_heap_allocated_;
index_t data_stack_[kStackCache];
index_t *data_heap_;


Default Constructor

The default constructor can be a good way to know which variable is required to be initialized.

In this case, we have to initiate ndim_ (kep variable in the context), num_heap_allocated_ (to decide whether uses heap), and data_heap_.

Since kStackCache is a static const, and data_stack_ is automatically initialized, we can ignore them.

    : ndim_(0),
      data_heap_(NULL) {}

Explicit Constructor

The explicit constructor constructs an “all-one” TShape with given dimensions.

explicit TShape(index_t ndim)
    : ndim_(ndim) {
  if (ndim_ <= kStackCache) {
    data_heap_ = NULL;
    num_heap_allocated_ = 0;
    std::fill_n(data_stack_, ndim_, 1);
  } else {
    data_heap_ = new index_t[ndim_];
    num_heap_allocated_ = ndim_;
    std::fill_n(data_heap_, ndim_, 1);

Constructor from TShape

The idea is same as the explicit constructor. The only difference is it is an itentical copy by using std::copy().

TShape(const TShape &s)
    : ndim_(s.ndim_) {
  if (ndim_ <= kStackCache) {
    data_heap_ = NULL;
    num_heap_allocated_ = 0;
    std::copy(s.data_stack_, s.data_stack_ + ndim_, data_stack_);
  } else {
    data_heap_ = new index_t[ndim_];
    num_heap_allocated_ = ndim_;
    std::copy(s.data_heap_, s.data_heap_ + ndim_, data_heap_);

Constructor from RandomAccessIterator

The beginning of this constructor is same as a default constructor, the difference lies in the calling of member function CopyFrom().

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
TShape(RandomAccessIterator begin,
       RandomAccessIterator end)
    : ndim_(0),
      data_heap_(NULL) {
  this->CopyFrom(begin, end);

The CopyFrom() function first set the dimension of shape by calling SetDim(). Then, copy the data from range [first,end) to data(), which is determined by ndim_ compared to kStackCache.

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void CopyFrom(RandomAccessIterator begin,
                     RandomAccessIterator end) {
  this->SetDim(end - begin);
  std::copy(begin, end, data());

SetDim() also choose to initiate data_heap_ or not by the value of ndim_.

inline void SetDim(index_t dim) {
  if (dim > kStackCache &&
      dim > num_heap_allocated_) {
    // data_heap_ can be NULL
    delete [] data_heap_;
    data_heap_ = new index_t[dim];
    num_heap_allocated_ = dim;
  ndim_ = dim;

inline index_t *data() {
  return ndim_ <= kStackCache ? data_stack_ : data_heap_;

Move Constructor from TShape

According to the property of move constructor, we first transfer the member variables from input arguments to the new TShape. Then, the original pointer of s.data_heap_ is reset to NULL.

TShape(TShape &&s)
    : ndim_(s.ndim_),
      data_heap_(s.data_heap_) {
  if (ndim_ <= kStackCache) {
    std::copy(s.data_stack_, s.data_stack_ + ndim_, data_stack_);
  // remove data heap space from s
  s.data_heap_ = NULL;

Move Constructor from Shape

Similar to constructor from RandomAccessIterator, the beginning of this constructor is same as a default constructor, the difference lies in the calling of member function CopyFrom().

The CopyFrom() function takes in two iterators as its input. It first set the dimension of shape by calling SetDim(). Then, copy the data from range [first,end) to data(), which is determined by ndim_ compared to kStackCache.

template<int dim>
TShape(Shape<dim> &&s)
    : ndim_(0),
      data_heap_(NULL) {
  this->CopyFrom(s.shape_, s.shape_ + dim);


Since data_heap_ is the only member variables with a pointer-related type, we explicitly delete it in destructor.

~TShape() {
  // data_heap_ can be NULL
  delete [] data_heap_;

Overloaded Operators

Overloaded =

Overloaded from Tshape

It first sets the shape of itself to shape.ndim_, then assigns the first address of data (data_stack_ or data_heap_) to a temp variable src. At last, it copies the contents pointed by src to the data() of itself.

inline TShape &operator=(const TShape &shape) {
  const index_t *src = shape.data();
  std::copy(src, src + ndim_, data());
  return *this;
Overloaded from std::vector

The CopyFrom() function takes in two iterators as its input, which is suitable for the two variables shape.begin() and shape.end(). It first set the dimension of shape by calling SetDim(). Then, copy the data from range [first,end) to data(), which is determined by ndim_ compared to kStackCache.

inline TShape &operator=(const std::vector<index_t> &shape) {
  this->CopyFrom(shape.begin(), shape.end());
  return *this;
Overloaded from Shape

It first sets the shape of itself to dim. Then, it definite a pointer pointing to data_stack_ or data_heap_ by comparing dim to kStackCache. At last, it just do a element-wise assignment from shape to itself.

template<int dim>
inline TShape &operator=(const Shape<dim> &shape) {
  index_t *d = dim <= kStackCache ? data_stack_ : data_heap_;
  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
    d[i] = shape[i];
  return *this;

Overloaded []

It returns the dimension by calling data() to fetch the first address, and uses operator [] to reach the value.

Is it safe to leave the bound check out ???
inline index_t &operator[](index_t i) {
  return data()[i];

inline const index_t &operator[](index_t i) const {
  return data()[i];

Overloaded ==

Overloaded from TShape

It returns whether two shape equals.

inline bool operator==(const TShape &s) const {
  if (ndim_ != s.ndim_) return false;
  if (ndim_ <= kStackCache) {
    for (index_t i = 0; i < ndim_; ++i) {
      if (data_stack_[i] != s.data_stack_[i]) return false;
  } else {
    for (index_t i = 0; i < ndim_; ++i) {
      if (data_heap_[i] != s.data_heap_[i]) return false;
  return true;
Overloaded from Shape

It returns whether two shape equals.

template<int dim>
inline bool operator==(const Shape<dim> &s) const {
  if (ndim_ != dim) return false;
  const index_t *d = dim <= kStackCache ? data_stack_ : data_heap_;
  for (index_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
    if (d[i] != s.shape_[i]) return false;
  return true;

Overloaded !=

Overloaded from TShape

It returns whether two shape not equals.

inline bool operator!=(const TShape &s) const {
  return !(*this == s);
Overloaded from Shape

It returns whether two shape not equals.

template<int dim>
inline bool operator!=(const Shape<dim> &s) const {
  return !(*this == s);

Overloaded from <<

It outputs a python-style tuple as in the class Shape.

inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TShape &shape) {
  os << '(';
  for (index_t i = 0; i < shape.ndim(); ++i) {
    if (i != 0) os << ',';
    os << shape[i];
  // python style tuple
  if (shape.ndim() == 1) os << ',';
  os << ')';
  return os;

Overloaded from >>

It reads the input shape from the istream and assigns it to a TShape type.

There are two while loops in the overloaded function for 1-D shape and multi-dimensional shape respectively.

in the first while loop, we first peek the next character in a input stream. Then, we judge whether it is a digit or not.

if it is a digit, it means we have a shape with only one dimension. Thus, we input it to a variable named idx, set the ndim_ of shape to be 1, and copy the value of idx to data() (Refer to the definition of CopyFrom()).

Otherwise, we use is.get() to extract the character, but do not assign it to anywhere. Again, we judge whether the input is a ( to support multi-dimension. If it is, we break the while loop and move to the second part. If not, we judge whether it is a space. If true, we continue the process to see what is the next character. Otherwise, we set the failbit to disable the following istream and return.

If we receive a ( in the first part, meaning we will receive the shape of a multi-dimensional tensor, we move to the next part.

In the beginning, we define a index_t type idx to receive the elements of each dimension, and a std::vector to represent the complete shape.

In the second while loop, we first fetch the next character by is>>idx. It automatically neglects any space and check the success of read. It may set a error bit if read fails and break the while loop, e.g. input a char a to idx.

If the input is correct index_t type, we push it into the vector, and recursively get the next character until it is not a space.

If next is a L as the representation of long type in Python, we do the fetch again to receive next character.

If next is ,, then we recursively peek the next character until it is not a space. If the peeked variable is ), we break the whole while loop. Otherwise we return to the start of while loop.

At last, we copy tmp to shape, even there is a false input, e.g. (3,4,a). We will receive a tmp with value (3,4) and similarly copy it to shape.

inline std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, TShape &shape) {
  // first part
  while (true) {
    char ch = is.peek();
    if (isdigit(ch)) {
      index_t idx;
      if (is >> idx) {
        shape.CopyFrom(&idx, &idx + 1);
      return is;
    if (ch == '(') break;
    if (!isspace(ch)) {
      return is;

  // second part
  index_t idx;
  std::vector<index_t> tmp;
  while (is >> idx) {
    char ch;
    do {
      ch = is.get();
    } while (isspace(ch));
    if (ch == 'L') {
      ch = is.get();
    if (ch == ',') {
      while (true) {
        ch = is.peek();
        if (isspace(ch)) {
          is.get(); continue;
        if (ch == ')') {
          is.get(); break;
      if (ch == ')') break;
    } else if (ch == ')') {
    } else {
      return is;
  shape.CopyFrom(tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
  return is;


int main() {
  TShape a;
  cout << (cin >> a) << endl;
  return 0;

// correct example
// 3          ->    (3,)
// (3,5)      ->    (3,5)
// (3 , 5)    ->    (3,5)
// (3, 4L, 5) ->    (3,4,5)
// incorrect example
// a          ->    wrong!
// (3,4,a)    ->    (3,4)

Member Functions


The CopyFrom() function first set the dimension of shape by calling SetDim() with argument equaling the difference between iterators begin and end. Then, copy the data from range [begin,end) to data(), which is determined by ndim_ compared to kStackCache.

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
inline void CopyFrom(RandomAccessIterator begin,
                     RandomAccessIterator end) {
  this->SetDim(end - begin);
  std::copy(begin, end, data());


It returns the data content of the TShape.

The reason that these two functions can be overloaded is they are called according to the constness of their corresponding variables. If a variable is const, then the const version will be called, and vice versa.

Actually, it may just according to the implicit this argument, by checking this is a const type or not.

inline const index_t *data() const {
  return ndim_ <= kStackCache ? data_stack_ : data_heap_;

inline index_t *data() {
  return ndim_ <= kStackCache ? data_stack_ : data_heap_;


It simply returns the private member variable ndim_.

inline index_t ndim(void) const {
  return ndim_;


It returns the multiplication of the values from all dimensions.

Its return type is size_t, which is a machine-related type that is large enough to hold any size can be stored in memory.

inline size_t Size(void) const {
  size_t size = 1;
  const index_t *d = this->data();
  for (index_t i = 0; i < ndim_; ++i) {
    size *= d[i];
  return size;


It flattens the higher dimension of TShape to second dimension, returns a 2D shape.

inline Shape<2> FlatTo2D(void) const {
  Shape<2> s;
  if (ndim_ == 0) return Shape2(0, 0);
  const index_t *d = this->data();
  s.shape_[1] = d[ndim_ - 1];
  index_t ymax = 1;
  for (index_t i = 1; i < ndim_; ++i) {
    ymax *= d[i - 1];
  s.shape_[0] = ymax;
  return s;


It flattens the shape into three parts: [0, axis_begin), [axis_begin, axis_end] , and (axis_end, ndim).

inline Shape<3> FlatTo3D(index_t axis_begin, index_t axis_end) const {
  CHECK(axis_end >= axis_begin);
  Shape<3> s;
  if (ndim_ == 0) return Shape3(0, 0, 0);
  const index_t *d = this->data();
  s.shape_[0] = 1;
  s.shape_[1] = 1;
  s.shape_[2] = 1;

  for (index_t i = 0; i < axis_begin; ++i) {
    s.shape_[0] *= d[i];
  for (index_t i = axis_begin; i <= axis_end; ++i) {
    s.shape_[1] *= d[i];
  for (index_t i = axis_end + 1; i < ndim_; ++i) {
    s.shape_[2] *= d[i];
  return s;

It flattens the axis before and after the specified axis, so it becomes 3D tensor.

inline Shape<3> FlatTo3D(index_t axis) const {
  return FlatTo3D(axis, axis);


It returns product of shape in [dimstart,dimend).

inline index_t ProdShape(int dimstart, int dimend) const {
  index_t num = 1;
  const index_t *d = this->data();
  for (int i = dimstart; i < dimend; ++i) {
    num *= d[i];
  return num;


It returns the class shape, which is a component of Tensor.

template<int dim>
inline Shape<dim> get(void) const {
  CHECK_EQ(dim, ndim_) << "dimension do not match target dimension " << dim << " vs " << ndim_;
  const index_t *d = this->data();
  Shape<dim> s;
  for (int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
    s[i] = d[i];
  return s;

SetDim (private)

Not only does it set the value of ndim_, but it decides the usage of data_stack_ or data_heap_.

inline void SetDim(index_t dim) {
  if (dim > kStackCache &&
      dim > num_heap_allocated_) {
    // data_heap_ can be NULL
    delete [] data_heap_;
    data_heap_ = new index_t[dim];
    num_heap_allocated_ = dim;
  ndim_ = dim;


Tensor blob class (TBlob) that can be used to hold tensor of any dimension, any device and any data type. This is only a weak type that can be used to transfer data through interface. TBlob itself do not involve any arithmetic operations, but it can be converted to Tensor of fixed dimension for further operations.

Like Tensor, this data structure is like a pointer class and do not implicit allocated, de-allocate space. This data structure can be helpful to hold tensors of different dimensions and wait for further processing.

Member Variables

There are five member variables belonging to TBlob.

  • dptr_: pointer to the data
  • shape_: shape of the tensor TShape
  • stride_: storing the stride information in x dimension
  • dev_mask_: device mask of the corresponding device
  • type_flag_: typ flag of the tensor blob
void *dptr_;
TShape shape_;
index_t stride_;
int dev_mask_;
int type_flag_;


Default Constructor

Default TBlob is set with dptr_ to be NULL, dev_mask_ to be the mask of cpu, and type_flag_ to be the flag of default_real_t, which is actually float type.

    : dptr_(NULL), dev_mask_(cpu::kDevMask),
      type_flag_(DataType<default_real_t>::kFlag) {}

Constructor from TShape

It constructs TBlob from contiguous memory by setting the stride_ to be the highest dimension of TShape.

template<typename DType>
TBlob(DType *dptr,
      const TShape &shape,
      int dev_mask)
    : dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape),
      stride_(shape[shape.ndim() - 1]),
      type_flag_(DataType<DType>::kFlag) {}

Constructor from TShape with type

It constructs TBlob from contiguous memory by setting the stride_ to be the highest dimension of TShape, and provides a user-defined type_flag.

TBlob(void *dptr,
      const TShape &shape,
      int dev_mask,
      int type_flag)
    : dptr_(dptr), shape_(shape),
      stride_(shape[shape.ndim() - 1]),
      type_flag_(type_flag) {}

Constructor from Tensor

It uses the overloaded assignment operator = to construct TBlob from Tensor. The detail of = can be referred to following notes.

template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
TBlob(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &src) {
  *this = src;

Overloaded Operators

Only the assignment operator is overloaded in class TBlob. The rhs should only be the Tensor type.

template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
inline TBlob
&operator=(const Tensor<Device, dim, DType> &src) {
  dptr_ = src.dptr_;
  shape_ = src.shape_;
  stride_ = src.stride_;
  dev_mask_ = Device::kDevMask;
  type_flag_ = DataType<DType>::kFlag;
  return *this;

Member Functions


It checks whether the stride_ equals to the highest dimension of shape_.

inline bool CheckContiguous(void) const {
  return shape_[shape_.ndim() - 1] == stride_;


It first checks the consistency of device and type between the desired return Tensor and TBlob itself. Then, it calls the constructor of Tensor.

template<typename Device, typename DType>
inline Tensor<Device, 2, DType> FlatTo2D(Stream<Device> *stream = NULL) const {
  CHECK(Device::kDevMask == dev_mask_)
    << "TBlob.get: device type do not match specified type";
  CHECK(DataType<DType>::kFlag == type_flag_)
    << "TBlob.get_with_shape: data type do not match specified type."
    << "Expected: " << type_flag_ << " v.s. given " << DataType<DType>::kFlag;
  return Tensor<Device, 2, DType>(static_cast<DType*>(dptr_),
                                  shape_.FlatTo2D(), stride_, stream);


It simply calls the ndim() function, which is a member function of its member variable shape_ with type TShape.

inline int ndim(void) const {
  return shape_.ndim();


It returns the size of i-th dimension.

inline index_t size(index_t idx) const {
  return shape_[idx];


It returns the total number of elements in Tensor.

inline index_t Size(void) const {
  return shape_.Size();


It fetches the tensor, with respect to specific dimension dim. if it do not match the stored dimension, an error will be issued by the function get() of class TBlob.

template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
inline Tensor<Device, dim, DType> get(Stream<Device> *stream = NULL) const {
  CHECK(Device::kDevMask == dev_mask_)
    << "TBlob.get: device type do not match specified type";
  CHECK(DataType<DType>::kFlag == type_flag_)
    << "TBlob.get_with_shape: data type do not match specified type."
    << "Expected: " << type_flag_ << " v.s. given " << DataType<DType>::kFlag;
  return Tensor<Device, dim, DType>(static_cast<DType*>(dptr_),
                                     stride_, stream);


It fetches a tensor in given shape. If size do not match the stored size, an error will be issued.

It first checks the consistency of device and type between the desired return Tensor and TBlob itself. Then, it checks whether the TBlob is contiguous by comparing the stride_ to the highest dimension of shape_. Moreover, it also compares the sizes of two shapes to make sure the change of shape will not cause memory leak. At last, it calls the constructor of Tensor to create a new one according to the given shape.

template<typename Device, int dim, typename DType>
inline Tensor<Device, dim, DType> get_with_shape(const Shape<dim> &shape,
                                                 Stream<Device> *stream = NULL) const {
  CHECK(Device::kDevMask == dev_mask_)
    << "TBlob.get: device type do not match specified type";
  CHECK(DataType<DType>::kFlag == type_flag_)
    << "TBlob.get_with_shape: data type do not match specified type."
    << "Expected: " << type_flag_ << " v.s. given " << DataType<DType>::kFlag;
  CHECK_EQ(this->CheckContiguous(), true) << "TBlob.get_reshape: must be contiguous";
  CHECK_EQ(this->shape_.Size(), shape.Size())
    << "TBlob.get_with_shape: new and old shape do not match total elements";
  return Tensor<Device, dim, DType>(static_cast<DType*>(dptr_),
                                    shape[dim - 1],


It flattens the tensor to 3 dimension by calling its member function FlatTo3D(). Its first version collapses the dimension before and after specified axis.

template<typename Device, typename DType>
inline Tensor<Device, 3, DType> FlatTo3D(int axis, Stream<Device> *stream = NULL) const {
  return this->get_with_shape<Device, 3, DType>(
      this->shape_.FlatTo3D(axis), stream);

Its second version collapses the dimension: [0, axis_begin), axis_begin, axis_end], and (axis_end, ndim).

template<typename Device, typename DType>
inline Tensor<Device, 3, DType> FlatTo3D(int axis_begin, int axis_end,
  Stream<Device> *stream = NULL) const {
  return this->get_with_shape<Device, 3, DType>(
      this->shape_.FlatTo3D(axis_begin, axis_end), stream);

Missing Explanation

Algorithm: std::fill_n

The std::fill_n is defined in <algorithm>.

template<sclass OutputIt, class Size, class T >
OutputIt fill_n( OutputIt first, Size count, const T& value );

a possible implementation:

template<class OutputIt, class Size, class T>
OutputIt fill_n(OutputIt first, Size count, const T& value)
    for (Size i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        *first++ = value;
    return first;

Assigns the given value to the number of count elements in the first with the range beginning at first if count>0. Does nothing otherwise.

Algorithm: std::copy

The std::copy is defined in <algorithm>.

template< class InputIt, class OutputIt >
OutputIt copy( InputIt first, InputIt last, OutputIt d_first );

a possible implementation:

template<class InputIt, class OutputIt>
OutputIt copy(InputIt first, InputIt last, 
              OutputIt d_first)
    while (first != last) {
        *d_first++ = *first++;
    return d_first;

Copies all elements in the range [first, last) to d_first.

Move Constructor

The move constructor must ensure that the moved-from object is left in a state such that destroying that object will be harmless. In particular, once its resources are moved, the original object must no longer point to those moved resources—responsibility for those resources has been assumed by the newly created object.

Unlike the copy constructor, the move constructor does not allocate any new memory; it takes over the memory in the given argument. Having taken over the memory from its argument, the constructor body sets the pointers in the given object to nullptr.

IOStream: istream::peak

int peak();

It returns the ASCII code of next character in the input sequence, without extracting it: The character is left as the next character to be extracted from the stream.

IOStream: istream::get

int get();

It extracts a single character from the stream.

IOStream: istream::setstate

void setstate (iostate state);

It modifies the current internal error state flags by combining the current flags with those in argument state (as if performing a bitwise OR operation).

IOStream: std::ios::failbit

std::ios::failbit represents logical error on i/o operation

Once an error has occurred, subsequent IO operations on that stream will fail.

Condition State of istream

The easiest way to determine the state of a stream object is to use that object as a condition.

The while condition checks the state of the stream returned from the >> expression. If that input operation succeeds, the state remains valid and the condition will succeed. For example,

while (is >> idx) { // `>>` input a value to `idx`

Missing Explanation

Load and Save

These two functions are related to the functions in ./io.h, and we leave their explanations to the related parts.

template<typename TStream>
inline void Save(TStream *strm) const {
  strm->Write(&ndim_, sizeof(ndim_));
  strm->Write(data(), sizeof(index_t) * ndim_);

template<typename TStream>
inline bool Load(TStream *strm) {
  if (strm->Read(&ndim_, sizeof(ndim_)) != sizeof(ndim_)) return false;
  size_t nread = sizeof(index_t) * ndim_;
  if (strm->Read(data(), nread) != nread) return false;
  return true;